Tuesday 27 March 2012

Art, the big debate.

I know i haven't written in a while, and for those of you who perhaps have read my blog and though 'huh' or just enjoyed it slightly, then i am hoping you will enjoy this one (if you do enjoy this one then you should know there will be more blogs like this coming soon!).

Today, asides from feeling the full force of tequila slammers from the night before, waking up in a strange yet familiar bed and going and enduring the boring routine that is college i have been thinking a lot about art. Not even a specfic artist, concept, painting it has just art in general and I all of a sudden had this thought and felt the whole 125 (don't laugh) followers on twitter needed to know my opinion on art... And here it is: 

'It is easy to understand why people argue so much about 'good' art in modern day life, the most famous artists where way ahead of their time, people thought it was rubbish but yet, when looking back it is easy to see they where just experimenting. Now, you look at modern Art and it is so controversial as today artists are finding it hard to experiment with materials, concepts, themes because it has been Done before. Therefore controversy is sparked when people walk around such galleries as the Tate Modern and see art work that visually seems 'thoughtless, lazy and pointless' yet has such an amazing concept and the thought process is so ahead of our time. These tweets may seems 'thoughtless, lazy and pointless' yet has such an amazing concept and the thought process is so ahead of our time Scheile even Bacon where at their times. Just open your mind to all types of art (music, motion, visual etc) and you maybe surprised to how moved or inspired you feel by what could perhaps be deemed as something 'simple' and 'pointless'.'

Who's got the honest right to turn around and say that one of these pieces of art isn't actually a piece of art? 


This is a famous expressionism piece created by George Grosz. Who was influenced by such things as Dadaism, surrealism and expressionism.  


This image i found on google by simply typing 'Graffiti wall'. The artist/artists seem to be influenced by the difference between reality and fiction and current affairs (similar tattoo of the statue of liberty on Lloyd Banks' bank, the watch tower seemingly showing the 'big brother effect' 'always watching'). This piece of art is very similar to what is rolling up on dead walls in my home town at the moment. 

these two art pieces are very different from each other but my point of this whole blog is that who on earth can honestly turn round and say that's not art?! Yes, they can dislike one over the other, they can be in-between but just because one piece of art is older than the other or newer than the other dose not mean the artists didn't share the same passion for their work and getting their own thoughts across? It doesn't mean the artist thought through their concept or just created what came from within their emotions. However, i can see that both artists are showing oppression, through colouring, dramatic effect of the actual image among many other factors. even though these images are 50 years apart from each other i feel they are saying the same message and in my eyes they both are deemed as art.

art can only be judged to one who is viewing it for the first time, even then the judgement can be argued and contested. 

'art is in the eye of the beholder' 

Everything can be deemed as art and out of everything something is inspiring to someone. 


- Metal Paisley Patterns. 


-last note. I don't think this blog came out visually how i wanted it, and that will bug me so i am sorry!